Einkorn Biscuit Recipe: Restoring Heritage Grains

I love exploring the rich flavors and unique textures of ancient grains. Recently, I found the magic of einkorn flour. It changed my baking forever. This journey made me appreciate traditional recipes and our culinary heritage more.

I’m excited to share a special einkorn biscuit recipe with you. This recipe takes you back to simpler times. Einkorn, the oldest wheat type, is a healthier and tastier choice than modern flours. Using einkorn in your kitchen makes delicious biscuits and helps sustainable farming and our traditions.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover the rich nutritional profile and unique baking qualities of einkorn flour
  • Learn how to create delicious, flaky einkorn biscuits from scratch
  • Explore the importance of preserving heritage grains and traditional recipes
  • Understand the health benefits of incorporating einkorn into your baking
  • Enjoy the natural sweetness and nutty flavor of einkorn biscuits

Why Use Einkorn Flour

Einkorn flour comes from an ancient type of wheat, known as the “mother of all wheat.” It has stayed the same for thousands of years. This makes it a great choice for baking, especially for flaky and tender biscuits.

Nutritional and Health Benefits of Einkorn Flour

Einkorn flour is full of important nutrients. It has more protein, vitamins B6 and E, potassium, riboflavin, and iron than regular wheat. It also has less gluten, which is easier to digest for some people. Plus, it’s loaded with antioxidants, boosting your baking with nutrition.

Comparison with Other Flours

  • Einkorn flour has 9 grams of protein per serving, compared to 5 grams in whole modern soft wheat.
  • Phosphorus content in einkorn flour is approximately 75% higher than in modern soft wheat.
  • Lutein content in einkorn flour is 215% higher compared to modern soft wheat.
  • B12 content in einkorn flour is 55% higher than in modern soft wheat.

Why Einkorn Flour is a Great Choice for Biscuits

Einkorn flour is perfect for making flaky and tender biscuits. Its nutty and sweet taste, better digestibility, and high nutrient levels offer a tasty and healthier option. The flour’s lower gluten content also makes baked goods lighter and more delicate.

“Einkorn, the oldest known wheat, is a nutritional powerhouse and a great choice for baking wholesome and delicious biscuits.”

einkorn flour

Ingredients for Einkorn Biscuits

To make delicious Einkorn biscuits, start with the right ingredients. You’ll need Einkorn flour, baking powder, salt, cold unsalted butter, honey, and cold milk. Adding an egg is optional to enrich the dough. If Einkorn flour is hard to find, you can use whole wheat flour instead. But, the taste and texture will be different.

List of Required Ingredients

  • Einkorn flour
  • Baking powder
  • Salt
  • Cold unsalted butter
  • Honey
  • Cold milk
  • Egg (optional)

Ingredient Notes and Substitutions

If you can’t find Einkorn flour, whole wheat flour is a good substitute. But, the biscuits will taste and feel different. For a dairy-free version, swap the butter with vegan butter or coconut oil. Use plant-based milks instead of dairy milk.

Preparation Tips

For perfect Einkorn biscuits, measure ingredients accurately and keep them cold. Avoid over-mixing to ensure they’re flaky and tender. Follow these tips for a delicious homemade treat.

Einkorn flour and biscuit ingredients

Tools You May Need

To make baking smooth and efficient, you need the right baking tools. Important tools are mixing bowls, a pastry cutter, or knives for cutting butter into flour. You’ll also need measuring cups and spoons for precise measurements. A rolling pin, a biscuit cutter, or cookie cutter is key for shaping. Don’t forget a baking sheet, a pastry brush, a cooling rack, and a food processor if you have one. Keeping tools like your mixing bowl and pastry cutter cool is important for flaky biscuits. Cleaning as you go makes baking more fun and efficient.

Essential Kitchen Tools

  • Mixing Bowls: Having different sizes of mixing bowls helps with mixing and kneading the dough.
  • Pastry Cutter or Knives: Use a pastry cutter or knives to cut the cold butter into the flour for a crumbly texture.
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons: Accurate measurements are crucial for great biscuits. Ensure you have a full set of measuring cups and spoons.
  • Rolling Pin: A rolling pin is vital for rolling the dough to the right thickness.
  • Biscuit Cutter or Cookie Cutter: A biscuit cutter or cookie cutter helps make uniform biscuits.
  • Baking Sheet: You’ll need a baking sheet or baking pan for baking the biscuits.
  • Cooling Rack: A cooling rack is important for cooling the biscuits after baking.
  • Food Processor (optional): A food processor can quickly mix the dough if you prefer not to use a pastry cutter or knives.

Keeping your tools cool, like your mixing bowl and pastry cutter, helps keep the butter cold. This is key for flaky biscuits. Cleaning as you go makes baking more efficient and fun.

Baking Tools

Baking Process for Flaky Einkorn Biscuits

The secret to making light and flaky einkorn biscuits is in the baking process. Start by preheating your oven to a toasty 425°F (220°C). In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients. This includes flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt.

Next, it’s time to cut in the cold, cubed butter. Use a pastry cutter or your fingertips to work the butter into the dry mixture. Make sure it looks like coarse crumbs. Be gentle to keep the butter cold and whole.

  1. Gently add the chilled milk or kefir, avoiding overmixing the dough.
  2. Move the dough to a lightly floured surface and quickly knead it. Fold the dough in thirds to create flaky layers.
  3. Roll out the dough to about 3/4-inch thick. Use a biscuit cutter or round cookie cutter to cut out the biscuits. Press straight down without twisting.
  4. Place the biscuits on a parchment-lined baking sheet, leaving space between them.
  5. Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the tops and bottoms are lightly golden.

The key to flaky einkorn biscuits is the cutting and folding technique. By handling the dough gently and creating layers, you’ll get irresistibly flaky and tender biscuits.

Einkorn biscuit baking

“The secret to perfect biscuits is in the technique – don’t overwork the dough, and be gentle when cutting and folding. The results will be worth it!”

Serving and Enjoying Einkorn Biscuits

Enjoy the warm, fresh taste of your einkorn biscuits right from the oven. Let them cool for 5-10 minutes before you take a bite. These biscuits are great on their own. But they also go well with butter, honey, or your favorite jam or preserves.

Einkorn biscuits are perfect with soups and stews. They’re also great for breakfast sandwiches or desserts. The rich taste of einkorn flour goes well with many biscuit pairings. This makes these biscuits a versatile and tasty choice for your meals.

“The flaky texture and delicate flavor of these einkorn biscuits make them a true delight to enjoy. They’re the perfect canvas for showcasing your favorite toppings and pairings.”

These biscuits are great as a side dish, a breakfast treat, or a dessert base. They’re sure to impress your family and friends. Enjoy the rich history and health benefits of this ancient grain by adding these biscuits to your cooking.

Restoring Heritage Grains Einkorn Biscuit Recipe

We’re on a mission to bring back the flavors of the past with our Einkorn biscuit recipe. Einkorn is an ancient wheat that’s packed with nutrients and has a special taste. Using this heirloom wheat, you’ll make homemade biscuits that are both delicious and good for you.

What makes our einkorn biscuits so special is the fresh Einkorn flour we use. This grain has less gluten and more protein, vitamins, and minerals than modern wheat. Our recipe will teach you how to work with Einkorn flour and bake perfect biscuits at home.

  1. Preheat your oven to 450°F (230°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine 2 cups of freshly milled Einkorn flour, 1 tablespoon of baking powder, 1 teaspoon of salt, and 1 tablespoon of organic cane sugar.
  3. Cut in 6 tablespoons of chilled, unsalted butter until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
  4. Gradually stir in 3/4 cup of cold buttermilk, mixing just until a soft dough forms.
  5. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and gently knead it 2-3 times.
  6. Using a biscuit cutter or the rim of a glass, cut out biscuits and place them on the prepared baking sheet.
  7. Bake the Einkorn biscuits for 12-15 minutes, or until golden brown.

Enjoy the warm, flaky taste of these einkorn biscuit creations. They’re a tribute to our culinary past. By making the einkorn biscuit recipe, you’ll taste history and support the use of heritage grains in your kitchen.

“Einkorn flour has a unique, nutty flavor that adds depth and character to baked goods. These biscuits are a delightful way to experience the true taste of ancient grains.”

Storing and Reheating Einkorn Biscuits

Freshly baked einkorn biscuits are a true delight. You can also enjoy them later by storing and reheating them right. Here are some tips to keep their flavor and texture:

For short-term storage, let the biscuits cool completely. Then, put them in an airtight container at room temperature. They’ll stay fresh for up to 3 days. For longer storage, freeze them. Wrap each biscuit in plastic wrap or put them in a freezer-safe bag. They’ll keep for up to 2 months.

When reheating frozen einkorn biscuits, you have a few options. Preheat your oven to 350°F and bake the biscuits for 5-7 minutes. They’ll be warm and have their texture back. Or, you can microwave individual biscuits for 20-30 seconds for a quick reheat.

When storing or reheating your einkorn biscuits, be gentle. Avoid overbaking or overheating, which can dry them out. With care, you can enjoy these delicious, flaky biscuits long after baking.

  • Einkorn biscuit storage: Store at room temperature in an airtight container for up to 3 days
  • Freezing biscuits: Wrap individually in plastic or place in a freezer bag for up to 2 months
  • Reheating methods: Bake at 350°F for 5-7 minutes or microwave individual biscuits for 20-30 seconds

Follow these simple einkorn biscuit storage and reheating methods to enjoy your homemade einkorn biscuits longer. Remember, proper baking tips and techniques are crucial for flaky and delicious biscuits every time.

Variations and Flavor Additions

Einkorn biscuits are a treat on their own. But, they’re even more fun with endless flavor options. Whether you like savory or sweet, there’s a biscuit for you.

For a savory twist, add shredded cheese, fresh herbs, or spices like garlic powder, rosemary, or black pepper to the dough. These biscuits are great with soups, stews, or as a side dish.

If you love sweets, mix in dried fruit, chopped nuts, or glaze them with honey or maple syrup. These biscuits are perfect for breakfast, brunch, or dessert.

Try different herbs and spices to find your favorite einkorn biscuit flavor. You can experiment and find something amazing.

“Baking is like love – it should be entered into with abandon or not at all.”
– Elinor Lipman

Einkorn biscuits are versatile. With a few simple changes, you can make them savory or sweet. They’re perfect for any event.

The History and Significance of Einkorn

Einkorn is the oldest type of wheat, with a history that goes back thousands of years. It’s often called the “mother of all wheat.” This ancient grain has stayed the same since its beginnings, giving us a peek into our farming past.

Einkorn has only 14 chromosomes, unlike modern wheat’s 42. This has helped it keep its natural nutrients and easy digestion. Today, people are turning to heirloom grains like Einkorn for their health benefits and sustainability.

When you bake with Einkorn, you’re enjoying a tasty and healthy snack. You’re also helping to keep our agricultural heritage alive and our food system diverse. Einkorn’s history and nutritional benefits make it a great choice for any kitchen. It connects us to the past while feeding us today.

“Einkorn is the ONLY wheat that has never been hybridized, possessing 14 chromosomes in total.”

Emmer has 28 chromosomes, showing it was mixed with another grass to create its unique berries. This variety in ancient wheat highlights the richness of our sustainable agriculture history.

  • Einkorn contains 213% more lutein, 55% more riboflavin, and 76% more manganese than modern wheat.
  • Einkorn has about 50% less phytic acid, making its nutrients easier to absorb and anti-inflammatory.
  • Emmer is high in magnesium, with just a half cup containing nearly a third of daily magnesium requirements.
  • Emmer is also high in selenium and niacin, and it has a low glycemic index.

By exploring heirloom grains like Einkorn, we’re reconnecting with our farming roots and building a sustainable future for food. Embracing the history and significance of Einkorn helps us nourish our bodies, support local farmers, and keep the variety that has fed us for centuries.


Baking with Einkorn flour connects us to our culinary past and brings us the nutrition of heritage grains. Making Einkorn biscuits is a treat that also supports heritage grains and sustainable food practices. Einkorn flour’s unique texture and nutty taste make it perfect for biscuits and other healthy baking projects.

Using traditional recipes with Einkorn flour honors the art of artisanal baking. It also leads us to nourishing and tasty dishes. We learn about small farms like Grand Teton Ancient Grains. They work hard to keep Einkorn’s ancient grain tradition alive and support sustainable food systems.

This guide aims to inspire you to try Einkorn in your kitchen. By making biscuits with Einkorn, you honor our culinary heritage. You also help in the effort to preserve and celebrate heritage grains that have fed us for so long.


What are the key ingredients for making Einkorn biscuits?

Einkorn biscuits need Einkorn flour, baking powder, salt, cold unsalted butter, honey, and cold milk. You can also add an egg for extra richness.

Can I substitute Einkorn flour with other types of flour?

If Einkorn flour is hard to find, whole wheat flour can be used instead. It changes the flavor and texture. You can swap dairy butter with vegan butter or coconut oil. Use plant-based milks instead of dairy milk.

What are the essential tools needed for baking Einkorn biscuits?

You’ll need mixing bowls, a pastry cutter or knives for cutting butter into flour, and measuring cups and spoons. Also, a rolling pin, biscuit cutter or cookie cutter, baking sheet, pastry brush, cooling rack, and a food processor (if you have one).

How do I achieve flaky Einkorn biscuits?

For flaky biscuits, mix dry ingredients first. Then, cut in cold butter. Add cold milk gently and mix well. Fold and knead the dough quickly to create flaky layers. Cut out the biscuits and bake at 425°F for 12-15 minutes.

How can I store and reheat Einkorn biscuits?

Cool the biscuits before storing them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days. Freeze them for up to 2 months if you need to store them longer. To reheat, bake at 350°F for 5-7 minutes or microwave for 20-30 seconds each.

What are some flavor variations for Einkorn biscuits?

Try adding shredded cheese, chopped herbs, or spices for a savory twist. For sweetness, add dried fruit, nuts, or a honey or maple syrup drizzle. These can turn your Einkorn biscuits into perfect sides for any meal.

Why is Einkorn flour considered an ancient and valuable grain?

Einkorn is the oldest wheat variety, unchanged for thousands of years. It’s simple genetically, keeping its natural nutrients and digestibility. This makes it great for baking and preserving our food heritage.